HRH Prince Henry of Wales plays for Piaget at the Goldin Group Charity Polo Cup
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Piaget and Royal Salute Polo teams go head to head in the Goldin Group Charity Polo Cup on 22ndJune 2014
Sunday 22nd June saw the Goldin GroupCharity Polo Cup 2014 take place at Beaufort Polo Club sponsored by GoldinGroup and its Tianjin Goldin Metropolitan Polo Club. The Piaget and Royal Salute teams battled itout on the famous field in Beaufort Polo Club, Tetbury, Gloucestershire whichbrought home a victory for Piaget with a close score of seven goals to five anda half.
The event was honoured to have had two very special guests - HRH PrinceHenry of Wales playing for Piaget and HRH The Duke of Cambridge for RoyalSalute. Both took part in the game in aid of their chosen charities HouseholdCavalry Foundation, Irish Guards Appeal Fund, RFU Injured Players Foundationand Welsh Rugby Charitable Trust.
1. Corinne Ricard (0)
2. HRH Prince Henry of Wales (1)
3. Facundo Pieres (10)
4. John Fisher (4)
Royal Salute:
1. Tommy Kato (-1)
2. Luis Escobar (7)
3. Malcolm Borwick (6)
4. HRH The Duke of Cambridge (1)
This display of sportsmanship drew a discerning crowd ofover 2,000 and those in attendance were treated to sensationalmatch played by the Princes and some of the best polo players in the world. Theday culminated with the Piaget Team and world-class player, Facundo Pieres (ofthe Ellerstina Piaget and also a World Polo Ambassador for Royal Salute) leadinghis team, which also included female player Corinne Ricard, to a triumphant victoryagainst the Royal Salute team and fellow Royal Salute World Polo AmbassadorMalcolm Borwick (member of the England team for more than 10 years).
Lorenza Cavalli, UK Brand Director, Piaget – Official Team Sponsor said,“Piaget created the world’s first charity polo team and, on our 140thanniversary, we wanted to honour this occasion by taking part in such a worthyevent as the Goldin Group Charity Polo Cup. We are delighted to be part of theGoldin Group Charity Polo Cup.”
Piaget, Swiss watchmaker and jeweller, and possesses a strong heritagewith polo spanning more than three decades. Highlights include sponsoring ThePiaget World Cup at West Palm Beach and creating the world’s first charity poloteam, Chukkers for Charity, made up of movie stars, which made a horse-backappearance down New York’s 5th Avenue. In 1979, the iconic Piaget Polo watch wasborn - renowned for streamlined design and seamless integration of the case,bezel and bracelet, it is a harmony of aesthetics and comfort created for highperformance.
Neil Macdonald, Global BrandDirector of Royal Salute – Official Team Sponsor also commented, “Royal SaluteScotch Whisky is proud to celebrate its fourth year as sponsor of this iconicevent, which is in aid of such worthy causes. The power and grace of the game of polo, the skill of the players,integrity and honour are values which are also inherent to Royal Salute whisky.”